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Goodwin Village, Farrer ACT - ACO StormBrixx® Project

Goodwin Village is an aged care facility with 169 independent living apartments. Situated in Farrer, fifteen kilometers south of Canberra, the village is surrounded by nature reserves and landscaped gardens.

Project Design Brief

Designers had to incorporate an underground stormwater tank to deal with runoff from the site. Designers needed a detention tank that was quick and simple to assemble and enable easy access for inspection and cleaning.

ACO's Solution

  • StormBrixx® SD – geocellular stormwater tank


  • The unique pillar configuration provides a high void ratio of 97% for maximum storage
  • Brick bonding and cross bonding provides unparalleled stability in the construction of the tank
  • Maintenance and inspection points allow access to the tanks interior
Goodwin Village, Farrer, ACT

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