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St Maria Goretti Primary School, Redcliffe WA - ACO StormBrixx® Project

St Maria Goretti Primary School is managed by the Sisters of Mercy and caters for children from Kindergarten to Grade 6. The school has students from 28 different cultural backgrounds and currently has 252 students that will grow to an estimated 440 students over the next six years. The school has commenced a building program to cater for the increase in student population.

Project Design Brief

Part of the building program included a new kindergarten, administration building and upgrade to the carpark. Designers required a high capacity and durable stormwater management system to resolve a drainage problem in an area of the school. The system was required to collect the excess water, filter it and gradually release the water back into the water table.

ACO's Solution

  • StormBrixx® geocellular stormwater management system
  • ACO’s Technical Service Department provided the designer with structural calculations, installation drawings and a bill of quantity
St Maria Gomerette Primary School


  • StormBrixx® enables infiltration when wrapped with permeable geotextile
  • Unique pillar configuration provides a high void ratio of 95% to maximise storage
  • The brick bonding and cross bonding feature provides unparalleled stability in the construction of the tank
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